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Jera Lincoln
Founder & Director

Good & Perfect Gifts, International

Thankful Sheep |

Mercy in the Morning Coffee |


PACARA Beauty |

Feeding Sheep |

ACTS Organization |


Deep & Rich in Spirit!

Jera Lincoln is the Founder and Director of Good & Perfect Gifts, International. She and her husband, Jimmy Lincoln are lifelong entrepreneurs with a deep passion for their faith, their family, and people. 

Jera has been walking with Jesus her entire life. A five-fold ministry family, the Lincoln's are committed to the teaching and shepherding of others, evangelizing in the marketplace and in the community, and walking in the strength and humility of the apostolic and prophetic. 

Good & Perfect Gifts, International was divinely given to Jera in a vision as an overarching organization designed to house and serve Kingdom connections, and Kingdom companies and organizations. Along with the auxiliary organizations you'll find with Good & Perfect Gifts, International, Jera will be offering extensive and powerful teachings, mentoring and spiritual encouragement, podcasts, events, and so much more. It will be deep and it will be rich in Spirit!

Advancing the Kingdom of God in everything we do.

The Lincoln's believe it is time to be the Church again in every area of life and are entirely committed to teaching and encouraging others how to operate in the supernatural in every day life as God intended. 

With a passion for business, building Kingdom connections, community, family, sports and living life to the fullest, Good & Perfect Gifts, International designed as an organization to provide tools and experiences for just that in the everyday life of the Believer.


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